Cubase crashes after Sleep.


When my computer is assigned to sleep after the days over, and Cubase is opened I’ll get an error message in the morning saying an eLicenser Control Error saying Application Groove Agent 4 SE error. Connection to eLicenser Lost??? (My USB was plugged in the entire night as well) Then it suggests I click retry after connecting a appropriate USB. Once I click Retry, it spins (crashes) and doesn’t recover.

Any solutions other than quitting the application in the evening?

I’m on the newest MBP, running 10.9.5 and Cubase 7.5

interesting… as i have a usb problem also on my windows 8.1 :

i dont think its my dongle… but i had my alimentation 650w failed.

so i tested and all and went to repair shop and they bring me a NEW alim, i can work now.

i reinstalled my system so… and sometimes i have this plug/unplug/plug pb… but i think its software issue or…

i know i got some waves plugs on a usb dongle… and my last was began to fail…

so i reinstalled my waves license on my new plug.

but still hear the plug unplug usb sound…

i think i maybe have a USB port getting down on my motherboard.

I’ve never had luck with “sleep” functions and audio…and I mean never. To begin with, it seems few audio interfaces will tolerate it – then there’s the issue of dongles, which make continuous calls and are very sensitive to apparent spoofing. Something about the tools we use make them intolerant of low power states. For me, it hasn’t been a Cubase-specific thing…

Good to know about the other audio interfaces.

Even though it’s the newest and fastest machine with USB 3 etc, it’s probably a safer bet to just shut down the apps before quitting for the day. The constant forcing quit and restarting is probably doing more damage in the long run.

Thanks for the responses.

Why would anyone not shut down the computer at the end of the day? Does it really take that long to re-boot? I get a much better feeling by starting fresh …

The nMP has serious sleep issues using OSX mavericks. So much so I turned it off.
Trash can!

Yes. Sleep is tricky for several reasons but I think the main one is that audio interface drivers are not written to properly be “revived” after sleep.