Cubase Demo ??

Hi folks…
Just a short question:
Is there a demo of any cubase version exiting, atm?

Cheers, …

I thought I heard somewhere there is but you need to buy the e-licenser.

Hearsay though.

Hope you are well, deathly quiet round here these days : (

Very quiet, indeed.
For some time, now, I am moderator of the VIPME and Mastering Section at and that is a demanding job, at times. So, there is little time left to be spend on Nuendo forum and I already said ealier that I don’t like the new format. Nuendo works well for me and I have nothing to say to SB, these days. I loved the mutual jokes and fun discussions which are not longer wanted in this forum, therefore I make myself scarce.

Have a good one,
Big K

Just found the demo download…
TY all…