Cubase doesn't remember outputs

I’ve been using Cubase now for a couple of years and I love it. But there is one thing which I miss from other DAWs I use. Unless I’m missing something, Cubase saves the Audio Connections with the project instead of globally. This means that when I move a project from one computer to another, I have to go into the Audio Connections dialog and select the outputs or it won’t see them. This is very time consuming when you are moving projects between different machines for different tasks. And it’s unnecessary if those connections are saved globally independent of the project. Some other DAWs do it this way and it’s so much quicker.

If there is currently no way to have these preferences saved globally, I would like to request that is included as an option in a future version.


The Inputs and Outputs are stored in the project, but the Control Room is global. So the solution is to use Control Room.

??? care to expand Martin or have I just completely misunderstood the question and your response ?


What am I missing?

If you use Control Room on all your computers, the output is set globally on all your computers. So you don’t take care about the Audio Connections > Outputs. You always hear the sound via Control Room. That’s the solution. Or am I missing something?

Thanks for this! I didn’t realise control room is global. That’s great it solves my problem thanks!

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For good measure: There is also a preference, that you might have enabled…

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