
I have been using Sibelius running as a slave under Cubase to write and play orchestral accompaniments to songs I record in Cubase. Since rewire was discontinued and no longer supported after Cubase 11, I use v. 11 for this and v13 for everything else. I really like being able to write a few measures and audition it immediately with Cubase without having to export and import files from one program to another. Before I switched to Sibelius I used Finale but switched because I wasn’t able to run it under Cubase like I could with Sibelius. Since I am a registered owner of Finale I qualify for the Dorico promo but before I invest in a 3rd notation program I would like to know if Steinberg is working on something that will eventually allow me to run Dorico under Cubase like I can with rewire and sibelius?

My understanding is that Dorico has a good many MIDI features such as editing and plugin instruments, making it like a cut-down Cubase. It might fill all your needs in one application. At the moment with the sale you can get it for about £150.

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I would like to know too…

I add:
if they updated Score Editor (with or without Dorico) Cubase would be enough… but with Dorico in the Steinberg house, I doubt it.

We are still waiting for an update of Score Editor or an integration of Dorico… but nobody knows when!

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Are you referring to dorico pro?

I can only find it for 250 pounds

If you have Cubase 13 you should be able to take advantage of the 70% off loyalty sale. There should be a voucher in MySteinberg.

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Hmmmm, I have C13 pro. I can’t quite see how to get the discount…

(Edit- just found it. Super cool :sunglasses:)

I found the section with the vouchers.

I have Cubase 13 pro, and no voucher for 70% off for Dorico Pro 5…cheers Steinberg :roll_eyes: