Cubase Elements 6 - 2 - Octacapture - only 8 channels

I purchased and am setting up a new computer to use in my studio. I have 2 Roland octacapture units linked…

They’ve been working fine with my HP laptop. I only get 8 channels (one unit) in my new computer…

Both computers are running Windows 7 - laptop=Home, desktop=pro…

In the device manager, I show BOTH unit’s drivers. In the Octacapture control program I show BOTH units…

In Cubase after setting the Octacapture as Device Driver, I show all channels on old computer and only ONE Unit’s channels in the new computer…

I’ve uninstalled and re-installed the drivers.

Is there something else I need to do in Cubase to get the other unit’s channels to be usable…

I’ve uploaded the Old computer’s specs, Device Manager/Control Panel and Cubase Device Setup and the same for the “new” computers.

Not Working Computer’s information attached to THIS post – Working computer in next post

Specs, etc. for WORKING computer…