
please add support for automation settings in Elements.

Thank you for the recent side-chain addition, but it is impossible to record automation in Cubase Elements due to its being always simplified and sometimes even the basic points get merged together.

All I am asking for is to be able to assign a quick control parameter to a knob/fader and have it follow and retain your automation curve during the playback.

For a user like me who is only having fun/learning doing home projects it is way too expensive to upgrade to pro just to have this one feature.

Thank you


I have auto solved this issue.

If you are using Cubase Elements the way to get to the setting is in:

Edit > Preferences > Editing Tab > Automation Reduction Level

(the thing is I could only find the solution though Automation Panel Available in cubase Pro only, and in the documentation for cubase elements you won’t find this information under the ‘automation’ topic but rather under ‘preferences’ toppic…)

thank you steinberg :slight_smile: