Cubase external midi cc controler disconecting

Hello, i am using great external controller FVDE from audio imperia (my first) and often when i create vst track, it works, but sometimes vst loads and the controllers doesnt work. I have to load the track again and it works again. Its also happening when i, for example, in BBC from spitfire load the violins (controller works), but when i delete all the expressions i doesnt want from that track vst like for example, tremmolo, spicato, pizzicato etc, and i let only legato patch to play, midi controller stops to work.

I didnt setup the controller in cubase, it works just by connecting it as fvde from audio imperia has desktop app, where you can set up midi cc numbers to different faders. THX for any help!


Do you use it as a plain MIDI Controller or as a MIDI Remote Device, please?

thx for contact!!! :slight_smile: i dont know how to find it out. I have it physically sitting above my piano on table.


Could you attach a screenshot of the Studio > Studio Setup > MIDI Ports Setup, please?

Arius are keyboards, FVDE is external midi cc controller with faders


OK, you are using them as plain controllers.

When they become disconnected, can you see them in the list here?

yes i can see. Also i can see their activity in meters in right down corner in cubase after moving with them


Isn’t the hardware assignes to the Quick Controls?

If you see your controller in the MIDI Device list and you see MIDI activity in the Cubase Transport, then the controller is not disconnected and this topic title is a little bit misleading.

When this happens, does you Arius work as expected, including the pedals?
Is the MIDI Input in the Inspector set to “Any”?

Try changing Track Quick Controls to “Not Connected”.

sorry for that, yes its set to ANY input when duplicated. It looks it just freezes somehow, it works again after reconnecting usb of controller or creating new track


Please, don’t use All MIDI Inputs for the Quick Controls. If you don’t use Quick Controls, set it to Not Connected, please.

okay i will try it and tell u