Cubase for WIN10 should be tested before official release

Windows 10 is here from and for a long time and we all know that with it the update paradigm from Microsoft has changed: two major update every year are released to everyone and they cannot be skipped. On some versions (Pro) it can be postponed, on other versions (Home) it cannot. Unless one decides to stay offline, updates must be installed. It would be nice if Steinberg’s developers would react to this new paradigm by letting their customers and Cubase users know what issues may be expected with each major update by the time of their release, not two months later. As the updates cannot be skipped, and sometimes not even postponed, two months later is too late. Users are already facing any possible issues without any information from the developer of Cubase. It’s easy to enter the developer’s mode by Microsoft and test the software thoroughly to see how it would work with each new major update and take any perhaps necessary action not to leave customers and users hanging. Windows has changed and Windows applications must change, too.

This has been discussed before.
It’s simply impossible to test something that hasn’t been released yet.
Even if on Windows fast ring, the release of a official update will have last minute changes.
That’s why the effort put into testing only really makes sense after a public release of a new Windows “version”
Thankfully there hasn’t been any show stopping releases of Windows 10 incarnations yet.

Also, there are ways to defer these updates sometimes for months at a time (W10 Pro only?) so that you can keep working in Cubase until the W10 update issues are resolved.

Google search can point you in the right direction for how to defer the W10 updates.