I have had this problem since using Cubase Pro 10 with program freezing on exit but only after using score edit. If I don’t use the score edit it shuts down normally. I now use Pro 13 and have been living with this issue.
I know a lot of you do not use the score edit so maybe have not had any problems. I find the score edit very useful and have become very efficient with it after a long tome of figuring it out.
Win 10
GeForce Video Card
Generate a DMP file and share it via Dropbox or a similar service, please.
Use the Microsoft ProcDump utility to generate a DMP file, please.
Please download ProcDump64 from Microsoft (~650kB) and extract the archive to a local folder on your hard disk.
Run Command Prompt (cmd) as administrator (right click and select “run as administrator”)
Navigate (in the Command Prompt) to the folder with the extracted procdump file.
For example:
cd C:\ Users \ \ Downloads \ Procdump
Note: the dmp file will be written into that folder. -
Launch Cubase/Nuendo. You can work as usual. At any time, change to the command prompt and start procdump, to monitor Cubase/Nuendo for unexpected behaviour (see next step).
Launch procdump64 via Command Prompt:
Cubase 13:
procdump64 -e -h -t Cubase13
Nuendo 13:
procdump64 -e -h -t Nuendo13
The -h option will write a dmp file in case of an application hang. This might kick in too early sometimes, in case some action takes a little longer. Feel free to skip the “-h” option, if you are only up for fetching crashes.
The option -e will catch exceptions and the option -t terminations of the application.
- Prodump is now monitoring the Cubase/Nuendo process and will write a crash log, in case Cubase/Nuendo crashes or hangs. Perform the action that causes Cubase/Nuendo to crash and send us the generated crash dmp.
ZIP and share the DMP file via Dropbox or a similar service, please.
Here is a link to the dmp files. The last batch is where my PC freezes.
Reported to Steinberg, thank you.
Could you try in the Cubase Safe Start Mode [Disable preferences], please?
Or even to delete/rename the whole Cubase preferenes folder, to get the factory settings? In this case, I would recommend to rename/delete all Cubase versions preferences folder, to don’t migrate the issue from the previous version to the current one.
Cubase Preferences folders are:
Mac: ~/Library/Preferences/Cubase X
Win: %appData% \Steinberg\Cubase X_64
Where the X is the Cubase version (for example 13).
All freezes are pointing to plug-in:
- 4x Kontakt 7
- 1x Komplete Kontrol (sqlite3.dll)
- 1x Polytune (TC Electronic)
Please, make sure, your plug-ins are up to date.
Yes, I update Kontact 7 and Komplete Kontrol whenever there is one available, Polytune was a freebee that I have been using for several years and there isn’t any updates. Could that be causing the freezing during shut down? Again, it only happens when using score edit around 50% of the time when I shut down.
I haven’t seen any link to the Score Editor in the *.dmp file, sorry.
The next time I am using score edit I will run a new .dmp file