Cubase IC Pro feature suggestions

I hope steinberg team consider these for next updates
Also I think it’s good to be able to rename tracks in the mixer section
Btw in the mixer section they hide a little side bar that you can pool to the left from the right side it’s kinda hard to get to but you can swipe your finger from the very right side of the mixer to your left from where it is(if you pay close attention you’d see three little dots) the bar is for us to unmute all tracks

I didn’t notice how old these suggestions were​:joy::joy::joy:

Pitch/Mod wheel control for VST’s would be awesome to have.

Hey fellow Cubase enthusiasts! :musical_note: I’ve been using Cubase IC Pro for a while now, and while it’s already a fantastic remote control tool, I can’t help but imagine some awesome features that could take it to the next level. Here are a few suggestions that I believe could truly enhance our workflow and creativity:

  1. Customizable Macro Commands: How about the ability to create and trigger custom macro commands directly from the IC Pro app? This would streamline complex tasks and let us focus on the music without constantly switching back to the main interface.

  2. Visual Metronome Feedback: It would be amazing if the app could visually represent the metronome beat through subtle animations or pulsating visuals. This could be especially useful when working on intricate rhythmic patterns.

  3. Advanced Marker Navigation: Let’s take marker navigation up a notch. Having the ability to not only jump between markers but also view their names and comments from the IC Pro app could greatly improve project organization.

  4. Mobile Mixer Views: Imagine being able to customize and save different mixer views tailored to your needs on the app itself. This way, whether you’re focusing on instruments, vocals, or effects, you can have quick access without interrupting your creative flow.

  5. Project Overview and Zooming: A bird’s eye view of the entire project timeline would be fantastic. And why not add the ability to zoom in/out directly from the app? This would be a game-changer for navigating large projects.

  6. Smart Tool Integration: The IC Pro app could intelligently adapt its interface to match the current tool in Cubase. This would mean seamless transitioning between different editing modes without needing to manually switch on the computer.

  7. Chord Track Interaction: For those of us using the Chord Track feature extensively, having the ability to view and edit chord progressions from the IC Pro app would be immensely helpful.

+1 for Chord Track on Cubase IC Pro
It will be very useful if you can see the Chord Track in Cubase IC Pro.