Cubase iC & Windows 7


I just installed win 7 x64. I have installed Cubase 5 x64 and realized the the iPhone iC app doesn’t work with Cubase x64. I have now also installed Cubase 5 x32. I have installed SKI Remote ext. When I start up Cubase (32) and the iC app my computer never show up under the host. Does this have something to do with Win 7?

I should mention I have use this on XP many times perfectly. As well, I have the most current versions of the app, Cubase 5 and the SKI ext.

Thanks for your help!!

An update…someone recommended I make sure my settings for my network are on public and I turn off windows firewall (my computer is behind a router).

I have done that but it didn’t work.

Anyone have any ideas?


Have you enabled Bonjour services? It"s needed. It comes with iTunes.

It seems like my Bonjour crashes my Cubase When enabled (and ski remote is activated in device setup)…
Hmm… anyone?


Rolled back to Bonjour service 1.6 and now it’s crash free, but the connection does not show up on my IPad. It’s a ad hoc network (peer to peer network to keep the musicmachine away from the wwworld). Anyone?


Ok. Latest update. My firewall was the culprit. I downloaded the free app ‘Network ping lite’ to ping from the iPad. All the packages failed. When turning off the firewall, the packages went through. Now everything works like a charm. Hope this could help others with similar problems.


Having same issues. I’ll try your recommendations and let you know. By turning off firewall you mean the windows firewall? Or also the routers?
Thanks so far…