Cubase "in place editor" delay

I finally tracked down my problem, but need a solution.

Having several “in-place-editors” (tested with velocity, or CC data) open in the main window, all the other editors, including making edits in the in-place-editors and moving between notes in the score window for example (even hitting undo on the keyboard has a lag), are all slowed down significantly.

The more in-place-editors open at once, is proportionate to the level of lag/slowness. I’m not sure but, it may be correlated to a switch from Windows 10 to 11.

Is there any way to solve the underlying problem?

p.s. One additional note, that even when I’m in a completely different editor (Score or Key), actions will be slow there just because I have several “Edit in-place” windows open in the main window. Maybe doesn’t seem like a GPU issue, but rather some kind of Cubase problem… because the Graphics card wouldn’t feel the load of a ‘non-visible’ window.

Any help would be appreciated.