I am using a Behringer QX1622 USB desk.
It has been working fine, and then stopped for some reason.
Windows is still sending audio to the USB desk (Youtube for example)
So that means the Windows Control Panel settings are correct.
In Cubase:
Studio Setup has the ASIO4ALL Driver selected
In the ASIO4ALL Control Panel all the inputs and outputs are there and show ‘active’.
Studio Audio Connections has the ASIO driver selected for INPUTS and OUTPUTS
The desk is sending through the USB audio to Cubase so I can still record.
However when I play back, the audio is sent to the Laptop ie: NOT to the USB
I have replaced the USB cable.
I reinstalled the ASIO4ALL v2 driver
I have rebooted everything several times.
Isn’t HD Audio output your laptop soundcard then?
What other options do you have?
If you can’t get it working can you screencap your ASIO4all panel and audio connections.
Thankyou Martin for replying.
I have opened the control panel and the small screen shows the WDM Device list.
It shows Realtek(R) Audio is active.
ASIO4all is sending or outputting to the laptop.
However the desk can send to Cubase.
There are other choices, such as my JBL Flip6 speaker but not relevant.
The only device that it might be is: TI PCM2902 USB Codec.
I select that and nope. Nothing happens. Even the laptop has no sound.
I have come to the conclusion that ASIO4all has lost it’s compatibility with the Behringer USB desk.
OK made the change in Windows control panel.
That made the difference in that Youtube (for example) is sending to the laptop, and not the USB desk.
HOwever cubase is still not working, no input or output