Cubase LE not playing back through Komplete Audio 6 with VST


I’ve recently got Komplete Audio 6, including Cubase LE, and Vienna Symphonic Library (Special Edition).
When I import a Midi file on Cubase LE it is playing back through Komplete Audio 6, but when I load some VST from VEPro, HAlion or Sforzando the instrument is playing back on my Headphones, not in Komplete anymore, so the sound get stock anytime, because my internal sound card can not manage the audio data properly.

I checked on Studio setup and Komplete is not detected, only Generic low latency ASIO Driver works. I’ve been watching tutorials and searching for hours and can’t figure out how to fix it. I’m quite new with all this stuff…

Could anyone help me?

Hi and welcome,

When you import a MIDI file, are an Instrument tracks, or a MIDI tracks created? What is the synthesiser then? Can you see Komplete Audio in the Studio Setup > VST Audio System in this case?

Where are your headphones connected to?

Could you attach some screenshots, please?