CUBASE main project window on multi screens

As we have more and more complex projects with sometimes hundreds of tracks we also more often have several monitors to work with. My dream was to have ONE monitor of the size of two 34" wide monitors ie. 3440x2880, so I could stretch main project window and see more tracks, but so far such thing is either difficult to find or manufactured very sparsely. To have a similar solution I put 2 34" wide monitors vertically one over the other, set up my Mac so they could be used as one space and very happy began working. My happiness was very short lived as project window keeps being expanded on (any) two monitors only if you do not move any event in any direction. Move an event on a track or between tracks and project window jumps back to the single monitor. It is both unnerving and disappointing, but, perhaps I do overlook some hidden option that would keep the two-monitor stretched main project window stable.
As usual, any help and hint here will be very much appreciated.

I’m a tried-and-true “Separate Spaces” kinda guy, but I tried what you described and got the same result you did. I could span a Safari window across multiple windows and navigate just fine, but the Cubase Project window did indeed perform what I’ll presume to be some manner of “screen refresh” action that put the entire app window back up onto one monitor.

I personally manage my windows in a different way (I’ve got 3 “main” monitors with a Samsung 55’ HDMI big screen up on the wall behind them) but I won’t go into all that since that’s not what you asked.

That said, I don’t think you’ve got a quick-fix here. Workspaces MAY help in that they are supposed to keep window location/position saved as part of the snapshot, so creating Workspaces (in Cubase) may allow you to quickly recover from the screen rearranging, but it’s just going to do it again. But I didn’t try that. My guess is that you’re going to have to change your expectations of window arrangement, but I’m interested to see what Steinberg thinks about what’s going on in the background.


Window management is related to the OS. That maintains the ability to use the functions the OS offers.
On Windows, you need to use the tools the graphic drivers offer to get a unique workspace/desktop across multiple monitors. Maybe that’s the same for MacOS?

That being generally true, however in case of Mac once it is set to have all screens as one, it is not. It is specific to Cubase. When I use Dorico in span mode, it keeps it no matter what I do. I think Thor may be right about window refresh, however Workspaces do not work. I tried.
So we are back to Steinberg to address this issue.

So I recommend this topic to be tagged as issue.

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I think you are right, how do I tag it as an issue?

I tried to find out, but could not find it. @Martin.Jirsak , can you tell?

Tags are used on this forum. Please have a look at the Forum Guide if you need to learn how to tag your posts

Thanks, @steve .

I knew how to tag, but overlooked the tag entries “issue” and “feature-request” when I scrolled through the possible tags. So I though, both of them as special tags maybe can only set by certain roles.

When you set up a new topic tagging is trivial. The problem is to tag an existing topic. As there was no “pencil” to the right to the title I tried and tried and gave up. Obviously someone smarter found the way to add this tag, because now it bears an “issue” mark. And for that many thanks. This shrinking window case is really making workspace unnecessarily crowded

I have elevated your profile to “Member” so you should be able to edit tags in your posts.

Check out this article that discusses how Trust Levels work in Discourse

(I see that @JuergenP added the tag here on 4 Feb.)

Thank you very much.