Cubase Metronome Delay

Is there a possibility of an adjustable delay of the metronome click similar to the track-delay found in the Inspector? Thanks for your help
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, den Metronomklick mit einem Zeitversatz +/- zu versehen (ähnlich wie im Inspektor)? Vielen Dank für jeden Tipp.

Hi and welcome on the forum,

How did you come to the idea, the Metronom should be delayed? What is your use case, please?

I am using Cubase since the ATARI Versions in 1995 and the interaction with the metronome was always as espected. But actually I have difficulties especially when recording drums played in by using a YAMAHA MX61 keyboard (and a groove agent). Several notes aren’t able to be where I want them to be. I could solve the problem by recording a click on an audio track and delay it abot 40 milliseconds. But maybe there is a more elegant way to solve the problem?!


Sorry, I’m not aware of any other solution.

you can’t hear a delay if it’s 0,4ms only
the air would create much more delay if you sit on a real drumset

Sorry, I meant 40 milliseconds, of course.

OK that makes sense… but it’s annoying :thinking: