HI, the school I work for have had new music suite built with 20 PCs in, we run a windows domain network and the music computers have a new copies of Cubase 13 pro installed. To install Cubase I logged in with our admin account and installed and activated Cubase pro 13 (via the Steinberg Activation Manager) and everything worked fine for the admin account.
When our students have come to log in with their school student accounts, Cubase won’t run (saying No valid license found. The program will now quit) and the activation manager asking them to sign in or make a new Steinberg user account. When I have been through the process it then asks me to again activate Cubase which we can’t ask the student to do as we only have 20 license (one per computer, not one per student).
The eLicenser control center is showing the pc has a Cubase license assigned to it.
How can we work around this problem so students aren’t asked to sign in and activate the already activated Cubase 13 pro?