Cubase pro 10 updates

Hello guys, maybe someone can help?
Due to the ongoing use of the USB Elicenser, I would like to ask whether all of my products are sufficiently registered or whether I have overlooked something so far. I also want to make sure that it is correct that I am unfortunately not entitled to an access code because I completed it before 2022. Is that right?

Is it correct that I always have to buy updates? Yesterday I downloaded updates from Pro 10 again, but I can’t use them. Is this no longer possible anyway because of the change?


Hi Marike,

first of all make sure you blure all the license codes in your screenshots, they should never be visible.

The Products are all registered in your USB eLicenser as well as in the online profile, so that looks all ok.

Regarding updating you need to buy a update to the latest release, to get a product (Cubase 14 at the moment) that is based on Steinberg Licensing. This will also enable Cubase 11 on your eLicenser, so that you can run all releases that will stay on the eLicenser, even if the eLicenser server will be shutdown early 2025.

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