Cubase Pro 13: a problem with CHORDER (midi inserts)

I’m using a windows 10 desktop
When trying to use the CHORDER (one of the MIDI inserts) I hear a chord twice: when I lay my fingers on my midi keyboard controller, and when I lift my fingers from the keyboard. All that time there is a continuous sustain, as if the sustain pedal is switched on constantly, even though I don’t even touch it. When I play back what I’ve just recorded, it sounds correct (no sustain).
reset things or opening a brand new project and trying again didn’t help.
Thank you

I have the same issue. Anyone else?
Is there a solution or am I missing a setting somewhere?

Cubase Pro13, Windows 10, Novation Launchkey61 Mk3 controller

Same issue on Mac, Cubase 13. Chorder does not work as expected, every chord plays once only, sustain and does not retrigger. Bug I’m sure.

Novation Launchkey 49 which woerks great otherwise.