Hi all, I’m experiencing a visual bug with Media Bay in Cubase Pro 14. The vertical size of the Media Bay window expands whenever the window is interacted with. Any help appreciated.
I’m running Cubase Pro 14.0.10 on Windows 11.
I posted a video of the bug here on VI-Control: Cubase 14 is here!!! - Page 18 - VI-CONTROL
Could you please try to disable the preferences in the Cubase Safe Start Mode?
Hi Martin - the bug does indeed go away when I disable preferences… how should I troubleshoot this from here?
This is exactly what i suggested in post 340 at the other forum.
Start in Safe Mode. Disable user preferences and 3rd party plugs.
However you said you did that, and said the problem still existed in post 354.
Next. Process of eliminations. Safe Mode…this time only disable 3rd party plugs or disable user preferences.
To fix it permanently, Delete the preferences from the Safe Start Dialog, please.
Yes you’re right, I didn’t boot into safe mode correctly the first time you suggested it.
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Does this mean I’ll need to reconfigure all of my Cubase preferences from scratch?
Not all preferences. This action deletes the defaults.xml file from the preferences. There are lots of preferences in this file, but not all. For example the Key Commands are stored in dedicated file.
Thanks so much. Issue seems to be solved now. If I figure out what preferences/settings caused the issue, I’ll be sure to respond here and let you know.