Cubase Pro crash with Amplitube 5

Hi there
Just wondered if anyone else is having this problem
Cubase becomes unstable when saving projects with Amplitube 5
The serious problem has occurred message appears when loading a project with Amplitube5
I’m on Windows 11

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Most probably the plug-in is faulty. Get in touch with IK support, please.

I have this exact problem. The only way I can solve it is to reboot and re-load the project. In my case, Amplitube works during the first load of Cubase. If I exit Cubase and re-load the project, I get the error you are encountering.

There are a number of posts in relation to this problem for example:

search for amplitube 5 for more.

Thanks… I’ve tried them all and them some. There is no sure-fire fix for the problem. The best solution for me is simply logging off the session in Windows, logging back in and re-launching the project. Steinberg must have over a hundred crash-dumps from me by now, and IK has no useful response. It’s not a fatal issue in my case as I can get the project back up and running using the aforesaid method. But thanks nonetheless!