Cubase Pro, Wavelab, and Halion 7 proper installation location “folder”

Hello, I updated my Cubase7.5 and Wavelab pro to a new MacBook Pro and I dragged and dropped everything after completing downloads to the “applications” folder on the MacBook from the downloads folder. I’m coming from an old windows 7 machine and this is my first Mac. I did not see a “programs” folder to drag Cubase, Wavelab, and Halion 7 to after installation from the downloads folder…( I left it empty) Everything launches, opens up, and strong textappears to be working properly but I want to make sure these things are in the right location since this is a completely new system and a fresh install . Only have 1 hard drive for now and it is 1TB these are the ONLY 3 things I have installed. Can they stay in this folder without causing an issue? Should I have put everything somewhere else.

Thanks for your help!


There is Applications folder.

On Mac, you don’t have to take care about the correct folders add much as on Windows. Mac is much more organised as the whole system, so the user doesn’t have to take care.

Thank you Much for the reply!
I Appreciate it, I just want to get everything correct on my new computer from the beginning because I am new to a MacBook
And the Mac system.