Cubase Studio 4 VST Not recording

Okay, so I know this version of Cubase is a million years old but…

I am trying to record a MOTU Symphonic instrument VST track. I can hear the sounds and click and play with my mouse but the midi will not record. And also I cannot seem to use my computer keyboard to play either. Is there a way to do this or should I just stop wasting my time trying?


What specific operating system and version are you running the Cubase Studio 4 program on? Please make sure it is a supported operating system version listed on the following public downloads page.

Also please be sure that you have the last available Cubase Studio 4.5.2 update installed.

I am using Mac OSX 10.9.5. Updated to Cubase Studio 4.5.2 and it still doesn’t record my VST.

I’m sorry but Cubase Studio 4 is not supported on Mac OS 10.9 Mavericks.
The last supported Mac OS version for the older discontinued Cubase Studio 4 program was 10.5 Leopard.