Cubase with Antelope Goliath

I recently bought a Antelope Goliath to use with Cubase version 8.5.2. in Windows 10

Having some issues

  1. In cubase the DIrect Monitor is button grayed out so I have to run latency extremely low to track instruments
  2. The Lock in Goliath Screen is not active or working

I was on phone for a hour with sweetwater support and they were unable to resolve. Antelope said Greyed out Direct Monitor sounds like a Cubase issue but I have Motu 2408mk3 running direct monitor with no issue. I love the interface but the support and response times from Antelope has been frustrating :frowning:

Is anyone here using Antelope Goliath or any antelope products with Cubase and are you having this or similar issue? I can post video if it will help.
Thanks, Kenny

Direct monitor button being greyed out, meand the interface does not support ASIO direct monitoring.

Yes after 5 days of emails with support at Antelope there is no Direct Monitor support.
Per Marcel “We don’t support Direct Monitoring. We have our own realtime Monitor Mixers built into our Control Panel.”

It seems that they want you to use their 4 mixers to run session, I wasn’t able to figure out how to output those to my HearBack Monitor system to allow guys to mix their own Cue. My simple Motu system is looking better to me now

Sent it back to Sweetwater :frowning:

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Taking it for a spin…Monitor is greyed out…

I’m going TB soon and the latency should be low enough that direct monitoring MAY not be needed…we will see.

“ASIO direct monitoring” and “Direct monitoring” are two different things. The Cubase checkbox is for ASIO direct monitoring. That must not mean there is no direct monitoring possible with your interface.

Yes, We understand and can use direct monitoring on the interface but the ASIO Direct Monitoring is labeled as “Direct Monitoring” in Cubase which is what is meant here.

ftr, There is still no “Direct Monitoring” in Cubase on my Goliath HD. I too had/have the MOTU 2408mk3 and miss having that direct monitoring for recording my external instruments…
It’s a shame.

I know this is an old post, but I think I found a solution for anyone who runs into this situation in the future.

My scenario was this:
Vocal mic connected to Goliath Preamp Input 4, which routes to USB REC channel 4. In cubase, turning monitoring on for vocal track resulted in uncomfortable latency. Reducing buffer size (or USB Streaming Mode) did reduce the latency, but not without the added side effect of introducing crackles and pops while recording or playing back (but not on the recorded audio track).

My solution was this:
In Cubase, I left vocal track monitoring turned off and set buffer size (or USB Streaming Mode ) to something higher that doesn’t introduces the type of artifacts mentioned above.

In Goliath Control Panel > Routing window, I kept Preamp Input 4 routed to USB REC Channel 4. Then I also routed Preamp Input 4 to Goliath Mixer 1 - Channel 4. I also routed my Cubase master bus stereo outs 1/2, which go to USB PLAY 1/2 in my Goliath’s Routing window, to Goliath Mixer 1 Channel 31/32. Now I route the outputs of Mixer1 from MIX1 L/R to HP1.

That’s it! Now I can control my mix level relative to my vocal mic level using the Channel 4 and Channel 31/32 faders on Mixer1 and I can record the vocals in Cubase without latency.

If I want to hear reverb on my monitored vocals, I just use the send for Channel 4 on Mixer1 (which is the only mixer in Goliath Control Panel with Auraverb). If I want to monitor with compression or EQ, I can also route Preamp Input 4 to one of the Goliath AFX IN Channels and slap whatever else I need there.

NOTE: This is just for vocal monitoring. Verb, comp, eq, etc. will not be baked into the recorded audio track, which is perfect for me because I want my vocals to be dry initially. If I wanted those things baked in, then I would have to rethink this. Maybe using and External FX Send and Return.

I hope this helps! Sorry it was so long-winded, but I wanted to be thorough.

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