Cubase with MG12xu or Mackie profx12v3?

HI…Anybody using Cubase with the above mixers?..any thoughts?
would really appreciate comments regarding these before I decide to buy.

With both of these you need to understand their limitations…although they are 12 channel mixers the USB interface is only 2 channels. You can’t record multi mics to different tracks at the same time and the monitoring of playback for overdubs can also be overcomplicated by this limitation as you can see from this thread

Thanks Grim…seems like everything has issues…wish I had never sold my Yamaha N8

If you’re determined it has to be mixer rather than an interface Mackie Onyx 8 or 12 are multitrack over USB. Or Tascam model 12…but you’ll need to pay a bit more for that.

Hi Grimm, yeah, I’ve looked at both, the tascam is way too expensive, will more than likely go for the Mackie.