Cubasis 3.6 and New Instruments available

Hi @go.cranial

All good now thank you. I should have worked that out for my self. Sorry.
Have a good new year!

Glad to read this & a happy & healthy new year 2024 to you and yours too!


Hi zusammen! Erstmal hab ich mich riesig gefreut dass in Halion so viele gut gesampelte Akustik Drum Kits enthalten sind.
Leider kann ich ausschließlich das GM Standard Kit vollstĂ€ndig triggern.
Bei anderen fehlen Toms, Cymbals oder beides !
Ich habe ĂŒber Midi learn, pad edit und sogar durch Ă€ndern der Midi Noten in meinem drum modul versucht zu erreichen das die Sounds getriggert werden. Leider ohne Erfolg.
Die Drums in Microsonic funktionieren alle !
Im Halion schlÀgt auch das Auge in der Mitte aus wenn ich auf ein Pad schlage, aber es wird kein Sound ausgelöst.
Wenn das per Bugfix noch gelöst wĂŒrde, wĂ€re das schon eine Kampfansage im Vergleich zu anderes DAWs fĂŒr das iPad!


I just purchased and installed the three new instruments in Cubasis 3.6.1 (Halion, Neo FM and FM Classics), but when I open Cubasis to load and use them, they are nowhere to be found. I have closed the app and reopened it, repeated my search for them and, still, they are just not there at all. I have Lo Fi Piano installed, also, and it shows up, so I don’t know what is happening. Help!

Just tried uninstalling/reinstalling Cubasis and now, not only are Halion, Neo FM and FM Classics missing, but so is Lo Fi Piano, which was there before!


Hi @garyrea66,

I just purchased and installed the three new instruments in Cubasis 3.6.1 (Halion, Neo FM and FM Classics), but when I open Cubasis to load and use them, they are nowhere to be found. I have closed the app and reopened it, repeated my search for them and, still, they are just not there at all. I have Lo Fi Piano installed, also, and it shows up, so I don’t know what is happening. Help!

Once installed the instruments should all appear in the instruments list (see image, and clip with loading instruction example below). Please make sure the instruments entires in the Cubasis in-app shop are displayed as “installed”.

Hope that helps!


Hi @bandit86c

Danke fĂŒr Deine Nachricht! Dein Topic wird mit dem Team geteilt.

Liebe GrĂŒĂŸe

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Vielen Dank! Ich habe erneut große Hoffnung in Cubasis !

GrĂŒĂŸe zurĂŒck

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Ich habe jetzt herausgefunden das wenn ich mit dem GM Standard Kit aufnehme und hinterher das drum Kit wechsel, alle Sounds abgespielt werden. Beim Dry Standard zb und bei allen anderen, werden die Midi Noten aufgezeichnet aber wÀhrend der Aufnahme nicht abgespielt. Erst nach der Aufnahme beim Abspielen werden die Sounds abgespielt.

I love the new update! I immediately bought all new synths and sounds. I’m wondering if you’re planning to add more IAP from Waves Inc. That would be awesome!


There’s not much point in using the new instruments if I cant mixdown and share the things I write with them. Your software doesn’t work and it seems that Steinberg dont care. I wonder how many people have paid for Cubasis on Android/ Chrome OS to find that the mixdown and share function dont work. Its a basic element that many would buy it for. Yet this is not mentioned on playstore.

Hi I’ve just upgraded Cubasis 2 to 3 and used the Cubasis importer ,it was flawless,the halion plugin is a definate game changer, i wish that you could export the other way from cubase 13 to Cubasis on my iPad 
but for starting an idea the Cubasis importer is excellent

Hi @mario_alaimo

Thank you for your positive feedback and a warm welcome to the Cubasis forum!

We are glad to read that you seem to enjoy using Cubasis so far.

Unfortunately the differences between Cubasis and Cubase are the reason we are unable to provide an option to load Cubase projects with Cubasis. But you can choose the option export stems in Cubase, to be reimported with Cubasis.

Nevertheless we do our best to make Cubasis better with every update, and the next one is already in the making.


I’ve downloaded the Neo FM pack, running on Android 14 on a Google pixel tablet, and a lot of the arp’s are glitchy, as though there isn’t enough processing power, which is kinda frustrating.

I’ve closed all other apps, but the lag/latency remains.

Anyone else had similar issues? Disappointing that I can’t get the most out of what sounds like an awesome package

Hi @jiml

Thanks for your message.

Please give it a try to choose a higher latency value, and toggle the Multi-core Processing status. You will find both options located under “Setting/Audio”.

Please let me know if this helps to resolve the problem.


Where is “RoomWorks SE”? Is it for tablets only? I downloaded it.

Do you know, which pack should I buy to remake “Astronomia” (Vicetone)?

Hi amirkochetov,
If you tap INSERT EFFECTS, then tap on a empty space below blue line, select INTERNAL EFFECT and Roomworks will be the first selection :+1:
Welcome to the Cubasis family :grinning:

Hi @amirkochetov

RoomWorks SE comes for free once you’ve registered Cubasis, and can be used on the iPhone, iPad, Android tablet or smartphone and Chromebook.

Please find its parameter explained in the online help at: Effect Rack

Enjoy using Cubasis!


I see, thanks

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Can someone please point me to where I can see whether certain Cubase processes are included in Cubasis or not?

I’m wondering about VariAudio in this case, but it would be good if I knew how to look things up for myself in the future as well.

Thank you!

(Also, just to confirm: Cubasis can’t host 3rd party plug ins can it? Thanks!)

Hi alexis,
Cubase and Cubasis are completely separate, therefore there are no shared processes.

you can connect Cubasis to your desktop/Cubase and send midi to play vst plugins, the audio can also be routed back into Cubasis and mixed with your iOS plugins.