Cubasis LE does not record with Focusrite Scarlet interfaces

Greetings community:

I bought for my iPad a year ago the version of Cubasis LE on the App Store, with some vst and the wave collection, a few days ago I decided to record some voices and connect to my Focusrite interfaces but I have not been able to get a signal.
The interface lights are constantly turned on and off, it’s the only thing it does. Has anyone had this problem? Maybe you could guide me how to solve it? Grateful from now on for your contribution, seas of successes for everyone.

Hi @astharotgonzalez

Thanks for your message and a warm welcome to the Cubasis forum.

Cubasis for iOS fully supports using class-compliant audio devices.

Starting Cubasis the very first time, a popup asking your permission to use the microphone appears, which has to be accepted. If you tapped “no” by accident, please change the setting manually as follws:

  • Please go to the iPad settings
  • There please go to Privacy / Microphone
  • Please make sure to enable Microphone use with Cubasis

In addition you may check using a different Apple adapter and/or cable to connect the audio device with the iPad etc.

To learn how to setup Cubase for audio recordings, please take a look at the “Adding Audio Tracks” chapter of our “Getting started with Cubasis” tutorial (see below).

If the problem persists, please check back with our friends at Focusrite, to find out if there are known issues using their Scarlet interface with your iOS device. If required, we’re at hand to provide them with a Cubasis promo code for testing.

Please keep me updated.
