Curser - How to quickly move the curser to the start of the track?

Hi All,

I am trying to figure a way out to quickly move the curser to the start position , during playing a track. I need to stop the track, use the mouse to point at the curser and drag it all the way back to the start everytime. Any quick way to do this?

Please help.


[shift + B]…



Use the , Key Command (the right key from the M letter on your computer keyboard).


^Different strokes!

@cubic13 is using the Marker approach and giving the command “To previous marker”. If you haven’t manually entered a marker yet, the command will take you to the start of the project. (and, no matter how many markers you have, it’s easy to mash the button and quickly return to the start)

@Martin.Jirsak is using the comma (also works with Numpad . [period] next to the numpad enter). This is the “Go to Project Start” command which takes you to the start of the project no matter if you have markers or how many they are.


Yep… I’m using quite regularly markers, but all depends about what “start” means, in @techapsingh case. For me, “start” is usually where I begin a record, but if it’s the point, Martin suggestion is obviously better… :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m a big fan of markers too.

Poor B key is starting to sink to the left! :sweat_smile:


It’s to be expected, after 547291 strokes… What about the [Shift] one ? :grin:


It’s saved by its little size!


Yep, somehow… But I see that it’s not in a great shape either : you have one month and three weeks left… :crazy_face:


Thank You all for the replies ! This is such a great relief :slight_smile: will continue to learn from you all in future as well ! Cheers!


It is not the Home key? Did I alter that myself? Well, I have Project Start on Home and Project End on End - makes sense to me. :grinning:

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Here, the Home and End are affected to Navigate Top / Navigate Bottom, respectively, which allows you to go to the top/bottom of the tracks list (vertical location, actually). I don’t remember having changed them…

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It DOES make sense. By default, Home and End are for the up/down direction, meaning the top and the bottom of the track list.

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Ah, I must have had a good day. I changed that to Ctrl + Home, respectively Ctrl + End.
Well, I wrote it down in case anybody elses brain ticks like mine. Then they can use this as an idea.


Yep… Actually, the way you have set these keys makes indeed more sense. Think I’m going to change it also : a key command edit might be on the way… :nerd_face:

This setting might also help you. I toggle it on/off frequently. “Return to Start Position on Stop. Automatically sets the project cursor to the position where recording or playback last started when you stop playback.” There’s a checkbox to enable it in Edit/Preferences/Transport menu. The cursor only returns to where it was when you started playback, which is not necessarily the same as returning to start of the entire track–unless the start of the track is where you started playback. During mixing, critical listening or editing, it can really spare you lots of clicking the mouse to relocate the cursor.

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Small addendum: You can also return to start position with the preference inactive. Instead of using Space for Stop, use Num0 for Stop and Num0 again for return.

That is the old school style of Cubase (before the space bar became a thing).