Cursor stuck after entering barline change

Hi! Coming from Finale, I’m really enjoying being able to enter dynamics and slurs using just the keyboard, without lifting my hands. One thing I’m stuck on: as I advance through the score, using the arrow keys or arrow+command (on Mac), I can enter select a bar, enter slurs across all string parts, and then continue on to the next spot where I need slurs. But when I enter a barline change, like a double bar, the cursor stays stuck on the barline instead of advancing to the next note to continue entering slurs, unless I switch to the mouse. Is there any way to select the next note after a barline without using the mouse?

Similarly, I would love to enter a dynamic, and then have the right arrow key select the next note, instead of it selecting the next dynamic already entered, which could be 40 bars later. Is that possible somehow?

Hi Stephen, and welcome to the forum! When the selection is a barline, I think currently the only thing we can do without touching the mouse is Deselect All and hit Tab to select the first item in the window. (At least this is how Tab is supposed to work. It’s not working for me just now.)

There’s better news when you have a dynamic selected: Tab cycles through all the items at a given beat position. So Tab to the note, and then you can right arrow to the next note.

Also ⌘→ / ← selects the first note in the next / previous bar!

Thanks, Mark! Cycling through items at a given beat position using Tab is helpful to know.

Deselect All followed by Tab doesn’t do anything on my system either. That would be a good solution for my workflow, if it does reliably work.