Curved lines between notes?

I’m putting all my efforts to migrate from Finale, and this is my second attempt. I can see lots of benefits of Dorico in terms of foundational ideas, and I can do here some things that in Finale would have been a nightmare; still I’m really having lots troubles (…as well as very worryisome crashes…).

This should be a simple one: how can I produce a line between two notes that isn’t straight? In Finale I could write Bezier curve expressions, but I don’t think that’s the case in Dorico. I’ve resorted to write them in Illustrator and put image frames on the page, but not only does this defeat the purpose (line widths are all different, and awful): lines won’t attach to notes and I’m losing them around…

Is there a way of doing this? Or at least to attach images to notes?


A curved line attached to notes: if you’re looking for a slur, here’s information about that:

Slurs can have multiple segments as needed:

If you’re looking for something else, can you say a bit more about the intent behind the marking? Ie what is it supposed to convey, how is it positioned etc?

No, I’m looking for free glissando lines, that I can twist and turn as I please…