Custom commands help

Windows 7 64-bit, Wavelab 8.02 64-bit.

A select function I use very frequently is listed as “From start of file until cursor”, and “From end of file until cursor”.

The shortcut I want to use SHIFT+HOME and SHIFT+END, as in MS Word. That is what I used in Wavelab 7.

I can assign those key strokes to that function, but I also need to clear a similar function that has those key strokes set as their default.

The problem is that when I close and relaunch Wavelab, I lose the cleared default which results in my custom command not working.

Secondly, there is another function I frequently use: “skip selection” This is very different in Wavelab 8 than it was in 7. I can’t figure out how to assign custom key commands to toggle “skip selection” on and off. In version 7, I assigned F11 to skip nothing, and F12 to skip selection. How can I do this in Waveleb 8?


A select function I use very frequently is listed as “From start of file until cursor”, and “From end of file until cursor”.

The shortcut I want to use SHIFT+HOME and SHIFT+END, as in MS Word. That is what I used in Wavelab 7.

I can assign those key strokes to that function, but I also need to clear a similar function that has those key strokes set as their default.

This is the same in WaveLab 8.0.2 (audio file workspace), why do you need to change anything?

Secondly, there is another function I frequently use: “skip selection” This is very different in Wavelab 8 than it was in 7. I can’t figure out how to assign custom key commands to toggle “skip selection” on and off. In version 7, I assigned F11 to skip nothing, and F12 to skip selection. How can I do this in Waveleb 8?

In WaveLab 8, you have a factory shortcut to play and skip selection. See:
Now, to toggle the option on and off, there is this possibility of customization:

Thanks PG,

I got the skip selection/range thing work how I like.

However, the SHIFT+HOME and SHIFT+END, is not doing what I want. Let me explain more clearly…

By default, SHIFT+HOME, = Extend (selection) to start of file. What this does is moves your focus and the cursor to the start of the file.

I need to the cursor and my vie to stay put. The command “From start of file until cursor” does just what I want, but I can’t change the shortcut.

I believe this is a bug because there is an option to clear the default preset, but it doesn’t remain cleared after you restart Wavelab.

The command “From start of file until cursor” does just what I want, but I can’t change the shortcut.

Here it works, I can change the shortcut, and this remains after WaveLab exits.
Press ok in the following dialog:

SHIFT+HOME is already assigned to another command. When I clear it, the new assignment works. But after I restart Wavelab the other command is no longer cleared. The result is that BOTH commands have the same keys assigned, and the factory default over rides my customization.

What you describe is not normal, indeed. But just do it the way i told you: assign the shorcut witout clearing the original one explicitly.

Thanks, that solved it.

It’s funny, I thought I did it that way the first time. Either way, it’s working now.
