Custom scale question

I have been re-sizing the guitar string indicators (circled numbers 0-9) from 100 to 90 every time I place one in my project. I tried the Custom Scale instructions but was unable to find a way to automatically adjust the guitar string indicator sizes. Seems I still have to stop and set every Custom Scale setting. Is there a way to do a one-time adjustment and have it stick for future notations?

Provided you have Dorico Pro, you can do this via Library > Playing Techniques. You can select each of the string indicators in there, edit them by clicking the pencil icon in the action bar below the preview on the right-hand side, then in the edit window that appears, set Scale to 90% for both X and Y. Once you confirm that edit, click the star icon in the action bar on the left-hand side to save that change to your user library for future projects. You need to click the star with each of the string indicators selected, after editing each of them in turn.