Customer support experience

As a OEM “customer” I wanted to upgrade my existing Cubase LE 10 license to Cubase LE 12 but found out that a new format activation key was required. Apparently the key that was sent out probably somehow ended up in my Gmail spam folder effectively being purged some time ago. Mea culpa.

That said, I submitted a support ticket 13 days ago to have the issue addressed. So far there has not been a single response – aside an automated response on creating the ticket – let alone a resolution.

Is it common for Steinberg support to take this long to respond to their (potential) customers for something that could have been an automated process to start with? I realize that as a OEM customer I’m probably not the highest priority for them but two weeks isn’t exactly winning any trophies.

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we should have a competition for longest reply to a support ticket :slight_smile:

13 days is just the briefest moment of time to Steinberg support - I wonder how many of us have tickets that go unanswered for years ?

I assuming you submitted via mysteinberg (?) - bear in mind they do occasionally close tickets without actioning or responding so it’s occasionally worth checking in mysteinberg to see.

I would also suggest that Steinberg support won’t be able to assist you with this - Assuming (again) that you bought via the Steinberg shop ? you ask them (asknet) directly

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Well, I’m in my 6th or 7th week now and still no respons to the dumpster fire that is supposed to be support.

While I generally am understanding, I do get that tickets can get lost. I have no problems with that whatsoever.

That said, I erroneously submitted a similar ticket for the wrong product and added a comment to my ticket after a few days requesting to close it, which took them a day to respond to.

So support is actually fairly responsive, but only when it comes to the low hanging fruit it seems. Responding to potentially new/upgrade customers is obviously too much asked. Which again, is fine, Their attitude and my patronage is a two way street.

I certainly hope that this was a coincidence. In my experience, companies are quite responsive when it comes to new customers and making money. Telcos in particular are extremely courteous when it comes to new customers. For existing customers, on the other hand, it can take a little longer. :unamused:
Ideally, all customers should be handled in the same way. And tickets should be answered according to their priority, or at least in the order in which they are received by the company. (I am aware that every customer thinks his or her problem is the most pressing. But e.g. problems with the license should always have priority at Steinberg.)

Great idea! And the winner gets a carrier pigeon with which he can send his tickets to Steinberg in the future. :wink:

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