D4 cues popover not responding

Thanks! I started this piece back in 2017 before divisi was implemented, so I was doing lots of hacks with staff labels. I had completely forgotten they are still there!

Still having a problem with this, while it works in a limited way. I want to use the trombones as a cue and I open the popover and type in 3 trombones and nothing happens. I tried 3tbns 3 Trombones etc. Trumpets and tuba show but no trombones.

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From the User Guide:

  • Cues show the music of a single staff, such as the top staff of a piano. If you want to show the material of multiple staves in cues simultaneously, you must input separate cues for each staff so they overlap.

Richard raises an interesting use case I hadn’t thought of: when the most likely thing to be heard is a choir of instruments written on separate staves.

Could someone suggest a method? The multiple-cue idea won’t work for this.

Richard, you have to enter the name of the instrument as it appears in the staff label. In the project you uploaded earlier in this thread, the trombone instrument is called 2 Trombones Bass Trombone so typing anything starting with “3” is going to get you nowhere. But if you type “2 trom” you’ll quickly see your trombone instrument appear.

What I do in cases like this is make a dummy “Cue” player, input the choir into that (quick with Paste Special > Reduce), cue from that and rename the cue label. Of course this isn’t coupled to the original parts anymore so you need to be careful in case the music changes.


Thanks for al the answers, I believe I have finally figured it out.

Hi. In this project, I deleted some bar lines to better fit the psalmody. The issue is that the bar rest on individual parts became disorganized. So, I am trying to add a cue to the individual parts.
But when I select to create a cue on ossia above, it creates a S (for Soprano) but doesn’t put in the notes. I tried creating an ossia staff before putting in the cue, but it didn’t work either.
If I add the cue to the regular staff (instead of on the ossia above), it works, but for some reason it gets an rest in another voice, although there is no such voice on the score.
Am I doing something wrong?

  1. If this section isn’t in a regular time signature and you just want to input barlines as-and-when they make sense, you can put it into an open time signature (with or without a symbol to denote the time signature) and input barlines where needed.

  2. Cues automatically show bar rests alongside them, according to historic notation conventions. You can choose not to show bar rests alongside cues if you so wish.

  3. The issue with a cue not being input on the ossia staff might have more to do with you selecting a multi-bar rest in b81 rather than a “plain” bar rest in b79. Multi-bar rests are a different type of item, so you might find that inputting cues in layouts without multi-bar rests enabled works more reliably.

  4. If you don’t want to show the “1” over single bar rests and have Dorico Pro, see here: Hiding/Showing bar counts on single bar rests

Thanks for answering.

  1. I erased the barlines where I didn’t wanted, so I guess this makes it a open time signature.
  2. Ok.
  3. I am not sure the issue would be with the multi-bar rest, because if I try to insert the cue on ossia staff on one plain bar, it doesn’t work either. For this, please check the File Test attached (violin 1 part).
  4. That worked, although I am not sure why there were a couple of bars with “1” and the others without.

File Test 2023 8 1.dorico (1.1 MB)

PS: here’s the original Facebook post: DORICO – The Next-Generation Scoring Software | Hi. Because I used custom time signatures without actually changing the time signatures (it is a psalmody), the individual parts are not accepting the...

A passage with a time signature like 4/4 from which you’ve deleted individual barlines isn’t the same as an open time signature. Dorico has specific support for open time signatures at your disposal, if that’s what you want to do, and you’ll probably find that easier and more consistent/predictable to work with than deleting lots of barlines.

The reason there isn’t anything showing in the cue in bar 79 is that you selected “Soprano (a) (ossia above)” from the cues popover. Aka you selected the cue to show material on the soprano’s ossia staff. If the soprano doesn’t have any notes on its ossia staff in that bar, the cue will show nothing. By contrast, selecting “Soprano (a)” from the cues popover shows the soprano part as expected, even on the violin’s ossia staff.

The candidate menu that appears in the cues popover is telling you exactly what staff will be shown in the cue.

Easy: the ones that showed the “1” multi-bar rest count were “complete” 4/4 bars. The others were bars that didn’t match the prevailing time signature, because you had deleted barlines to merge multiple 4/4 bars together. Do you see what I mean about using an open meter and then inputting barlines just where you want them, if you’ve got a passage that really isn’t in one regular time signature?


I’m kinda sure I played with this file last week on FB, and replacing all time sig by X time sig did not solve the issue of full bar rests. Isn’t there bar rests (with the 1) in open time signature?

I don’t see that here, but then I don’t know what you did/didn’t do in that project. You’re very welcome to set up a demo project to try it out for yourself, though.