Damper/sustain "sticks" after m. 27, doesn't show in CC 64

Hi, smart people!

I’ve successfully (kinda) recorded a damper pedal over the piano part I entered, and it plays back beautifully—until measure 27, when our virtual pianist’s foot falls asleep and the pedal just stays “down.” I found this thread about creating a CC 64 editor, but when I do that I don’t see (or at least recognize) anything that looks like actual pedal data in that editor. What am I missing? :thinking:

(BTW, I did try just deleting that whole pedal marking and re-recording the pedal. Got the exact same result.) :man_shrugging:t2:

Thanks in advance!


Can you screenshot the previous measures? Or even better, upload the project or a cut-down version? We’ve seen something like this recently.

Absolutely. Thanks for looking into this, @derAbgang!

Cry Me a River.dorico (485.0 KB)

So, CC64 is present (midi export->import to Studio One):

… but your retakes aren’t captured correctly. Also, listening to it via NotePerformer (I don’t have Aria), I can hear that the CC64 is active for the entire passage. Almost impossible to see, but the CC64 looks like it was captured at m. 27:

So I guess now I don’t quite understand what the problem is (besides retakes not being captured).

It might be somehow similar to this:

… something about repeat structures and pedaling isn’t quick “right”.