Hey Fellas . So I’m trying to open a studio one 7 session via a DAW Project File I created .When I go to import it into Cubase 14 the file is ‘grey out’ (NOT an option to import ) …I know this file format has been problematic in its early stages but it’s not letting me do it at ALL…something I’m overlooking ? I’m on a Mac Studio M1 running Sonoma 14.5
Thanks in advance.
what version of cubase are you using?
i think only cubase pro includes this feature
14 pro
This function relies on this file to be in the proper place:
(maybe on the Mac the suffix is not .dll)
It should be in the Cubase installation folder, and then in the Components
Can you locate it there?
You can also check in Cubase: menu Studio → More Options → System Component Information → Project Import-Export Plugins
thanks SO much for the reply…I just created the file in S1 and saved it to the desktop …didnt know it had to be in any “specific” folder …not even sure how to access the components folder …I DID check that menu and this is what it looked like…any advice appreciated Thanks Buddy
I’ve had no problems exporting a DAW project from Studio One 6.x on a MBP to Cubase 14 on windows.
One thing I found is it’s best to bounce any time stretched/quantised audio first before making the DAW project.
Yeah I don’t get it …I go to import DAW Project , it prompts me to choose the file but the file is “greyed out” essentially …
Tried Exporting a simple session out of Bitwig too with same result .
Not the file that you want to import has to be in that folder. The DAWproject file gets installed together with Cubase. Your screenshot shows the correct file to be in the correct place, so that is not the cause of the problem.
I am pinging @Spork , he might be interested to have a look.
yeah I figured out what you meant and “opened up” the app and saw that folder , and yes that files indeed resides as it should …I contact Steinberg they said they’ve heard of it happening and it’s a studio one issue …thanks so much for your help !