Ddp create, problem track

finally i made my first ddp master in wavelab. but i got a message from the record pressing plant that all tracks are visible as one track. please tell me what i could have done wrong so that instead of 12 separate tracks, they would all be visible under one number. markers? i will add that ddp player also sees separate tracks. i dont understand why this problem occurs in the record pressing plant

Try importing the DDP you have created back into WL. This is what the plant is looking at. Is your imported DDP as you expect?

Yes. The only way to help is if you show us a screen shot of your Markers Tab from the montage in which the DDP was rendered, and a screen shot of the montage (and Markers Tab) if you import the DDP to inspect it.

If a DDP Player sees the tracks correctly, that is certainly a mysterious detail and makes me wonder what the CD pressing plant really received. I’ve never heard of the DDP being anything other than what a DDP Player shows.

Also … you did remember to zip the DDP folder/file set before you sent it to the plant … correct?

Even check with DDP Player

or from Hofa

regards S-EH

Hey, thanks for being here, I’ve attached a more detailed screenshot with markers

I don’t see any problem, at first sight.
If you try to import the DDP inside WaveLab, do you see the correct album?

That’s exactly what they said to you, word by word?