Default Audio Track Pre filters

I am a long time user of Cubase and I have a long time issue that needs resolving, I’m currently, on C14. Let me explain. For some reason when I load an audio track (right-click, add track) into a project, the default settings of the filters in the Pre section are 110Hz and 1455kHz respectively. This maybe my fault in the dim and distant past as I vaguely remember setting this 110Hz value, I could be wrong. As I always move my Cubase settings over when I upgrade I have learned to live with it over the years, correcting it on almost every track but now I want to resolve it.

It must be a default value, surely? But I just can’t seem to find it and it doesn’t seem to be in the Preferences either. :man_shrugging:

I want to know where I can change this setting. Can anyone help?

Thanks for reading

Those are not the default values. If you Ctrl + click on the filters you will see the default values (20Hz and 20000Hz for the LC and HC respectively). It’s not clear why you would have 110Hz and 14555Hz at the time you add the track. What are your precise steps for adding the audio track - are you using a track preset?

Hi stingray,
thanks for your reply.

I literally, right-click and select Add Track and then Audio. I complete the Add Track dialogue and click Add Track.
No, I do not use a track preset. I know that could be an option but that is another one or two more clicks, which I don’t want to do.

I don’t know why you are seeing those non-default values. Someone else here may have some clues.

You could try launching with Factory settings (hold down Ctrl, Shift, Alt at launch time). If you get clean Filter defaults with the Factory settings then there’s probably something amiss with your default presets and you may need to trash them.

I’m guessing you at some point saved a default EQ Preset.

You can reset all the values to default as @stingray suggested (or whatever values work best for you), then Save as Default Preset.

Thank you both for your replies.
Unfortunately, neither of the options worked.
Launching with Ctrl+shift+Alt presented with the User Account Control dialogue box asking Do you want this app to make changes to your Device Y/N. I tried both.

Next, I changed the Pre from 110Hz to 80Hz and saved by using the Save as Default Preset as you mentioned. I then tried the Add Audio track as before but the Pre remained at 110Hz.

Mlib, where can I find these default presets you speak of?

Sorry, I realized just now that the Pre section has its own Preset System.
Try this button instead and save a Default Preset:

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that’s it! I see this Pre section daily and I was blind to the cube symbol! :angry:

Thanks so much mlib (and stingray) for helping.

Much happiness! :sunglasses::+1: