Default folder

Is there any way of changing to default ‘Save to’ folder. I save all of my music files on a dedicated SSD drive, which is not C drive, but the default seems to be a Cubase folder in My Documents, so I have to point it to the SSD every time. Is there any way to change it?

Whilst I’m here I have to report that all of my Recent Projects list in the Hub has disappeared again!! It seems to happen every few months. Any ideas why?

Yes, I personally select a different folder for each Project so have “Prompt for project location” selected, but if you want to save everything in a default place then you need to select “Use default location” but then click on the listed location next to this selection and change it to what you want. It should alwys come back with the same location if you do this.

Thanks for the response. I’ve searched everywhere but can’t find any of the options you mention. A bit more detail maybe?

You change that on the hub.

Might be over kill, but added photo of where I alter the settings. Marked in red.
Maby you have a bug, since you cant get it working as it should?

I found it!!! Must be going blind. Thanks for your help, its much appreciated.