Default midi for Pads and Quick Controls

Hi all,

I’m using both Arturia Keylab Essentials 49 MK3 and Arturia Keylab 61 MK2

Arturia provide scripts to use with Cubase and that seems to work fairly well.

What I want to do, on the Arturia controllers themselves, is to set eight pads on both keyboards to the default setting for triggering them in Halion and eight of the knobs on the keyboards to control the eight knobs on Halions Quick Control.

At the moment, after resetting my Keylab Essentials to Factory settings, knobs 1 and knobs 2 do happen to control the first two quick control knobs, but knob 3 controls quick control knob5, and the rest do nothing.

As I have a few user preset mappings for both keyboards, I THINK it makes sense for there particular pads and knobs, to set the keyboards up for Halion rather than to use the MIDI learn on Halion?

I’ll probably manage to work it out eventually, but coming back to Cubase and Halion having last used them around 2018 (cubase 9.5 and HALion 6) , and using a few other things since, I’m still trying to get reacquainted

All advice greatly received


Through trial and error, it appears that if I set my knobs to the following, they control the 8 quick controls and the volume.

Knob 1: CC 74
Knob 2: CC 71
Knob 3: CC 73
Knob 4: CC 72
Knob 5: CC 75
Knob 6: CC 76
Knob 7: CC 77
Knob 8: CC 78
Knob 9 (Volume): CC 7

I assigned the eight pads C2 to G2 in both the Keylab and in HALion, and in HALion selected the “Save Trigger Notes As Default”. then the “Use Default Trigger Notes”

So far this seems to be working perfectly