Default Percussion kit

I’m trying to have Dorico’s drum kits open with all feet instruments stem down and everything else stem up. I’ve figured out how to do that on a per-file basis. Is there a way so that every time I choose Drum Set, it defaults to this?

Hi @Kyle_Mattingly, you have two ways:

  1. edit your kit as desired, then click on the three little dots near its name (in Setup mode > Edit instrument Definition). The kit will appear as a copy, you can then assign a Variant name (to better identify it later in the Instrument Picker), and click on the Star icon to make it full (and so Save the kit as default). Then when you create a new Player, you can filter for drum, and you will see the variant name in the Instrument Picker:
Screenshots 1.

  1. edit your kit as desired (rename it if desired), then Export the kit with the button and save it somewhere on your disk. When you create a new player, click Import Kit, from the instrument t picker or with right click on the Player tab, and choose your saved kit, localising it from your saved location:
Screenshots 2.

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Thank you! Option 1 seemed to work best though when I did it I somehow overwrote the kit assignments in the default kit. I also couldn’t re-title the new variant. It just wouldn’t let me click in the box to change the title. Either way, the default kit now seems to pull up the percussion kit that I’ve edited so I guess I’m good to go. Thank you!

Yes, sorry, in my attempts, I used first the second method (exporting the kit and then reimporting it into a new player for example), and then, with the imported kit, I used the first method editing it’s instrument definition: now the Variant name is editable :wink:

You can anytime reset the kit (instrument definition) to factory default, using the circular arrow, near the star.

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