As a long time finale user and accordionist I appreciated the ability to place chord symbols below a single staff that Finale enabled. I can find no equivalent in Dorico - can anyone advise whether such a change is possible?
Welcome to the forum @steve.hunt1
If you mean choosing which staves chord symbols are visible in (rather than just being above/below):
There’s a few sections in that page - I’d have a good read and make sure you understand the differences between each setting etc.
Welcome to the forum, Steve.
Yes, this is possible. See Library > Engraving Options > Chord Symbols > Position.
Many thanks for the quick response Pianoleo. That’s an option I hadn’t discovered - but having set up a new file with that Below option set as default, any new chords added still appear above the top staff - so it doesn’t seem to work for me. By the way I’m running Dorico 5.1.51 on MacOS 14.6.1.
I have found at least two methods of moving the chords to a position below the staff after they are entered, but it would be really helpful if I could set up for them to appear there automatically as I put them in…
We might need to see a file to know for sure what’s going on, but I just wanted to mention that the setting in Leo’s image is just for single staff instruments. If you are using a grand staff instrument, there is a Layout Options setting to select from “Between staves” or “Above top staff” but there is no “Below staff” option for grand staff instruments.
If this is the case in your situation, a workaround is to not actually use a grand staff instrument, but instead use 2 single staff instruments. Brace them together and have both of them appear in that part layout then it’s visually indistinguishable from actually using a grand staff instrument.
I wonder also if this Layout Option (the one above Todd’s suggested one) is affecting your results:
It does need to be set to “Above specific players’ staves” in order for my suggested Engraving Option to work.
Wonderful! It was that last setting in the layout options that was the problem - as soon as that was sorted out, the chords all appeared just where I wanted them. Very many thanks!