Del Segno is way too small

I just purchased Dorico elements 5. I’ve nearly finished my first Big Band arrangement, but am having problems with the del segno and coda signs. Their default size is just way too small.
When I go into change the sizes I do not appear to be able to.
I have no menus in engraving options ( which is where I am guide to go to).
Do I not have the function to change it’s size in elements?
Also when I went to print to extract my parts the coda sign and other elements on the page were askew. When using Sibelius I had functionality to move those objects and line them back up on the page. I could not do that with Dorico. Does Dorico elements 5 have functionality for that? What am I missing?
Thank you
Also do
Thank you
Graham[date=2025-02-03 timezone=“America/Halifax”]

Hi. I just started my Pro as Elements. There is no Engraving options in Elements :

BUT you can modify the size using the properties (local modification):

Make sure your properties are set to global so that the segno is changed in all layouts (parts and score).


Thank you. It worked. I changed the sizes from miniscule to something that won’t be missed.
The other question I had was regarding functionality on page layout. My del segno and coda signs didn’t stick in the same place on the page. Is there functionality anywhere to work on the page layout with elements 5?
Thank you again MarcLarcher.

I don’t understand that question actually, which is why I didn’t answer. And I am probably not alone in that case : there are at least ten or fifteen dorico gurus ready to answer any time of the day or night in the forum (to help the Team and let them do their job!), but I see no answer :rofl:
The only thing I think about is “breaks”. You can insert system breaks and frame breaks wherever you need (although usually Dorico does a wonderful job on its own)

Thank you for your input. I think that I need to spend a little more time double checking placement of Signs, codas, and page breaks before printing out the parts.

Yes, there are settings to scale the size of Segno and Coda markings in Engraving Options, which you don’t have. There are reasons why the default is what it is, but you’re not the first to have commented.

It may be possible to set some defaults for Engraving Options somehow, such as from a project file created on Pro, or by modifying the xml file that contains the options, if it exists.

If you post a sample project file here – perhaps something you will use as a template – then someone here might modify it for you.

You’ll need to show us some screenshots, or upload the Dorico project file, for us to see what’s going on.