Delete on chord mode

Hi! I am getting up to speed into dorico, I like the idea of entering notes and using the delete key to remove last inserted mode. It is very “classic text editor” style.

But when I do that on chord mode, instead of deleting the last input note of the chord (which for me sounds like the natural way of doing it, kind of a command+z) it deletes the last input note. Leaving the chord with the error you wanted to fix plus deleting last input notes before the chord.

Anybody has an opinion about this? Can it be modified by a configuration setting? Thanks

Hi Jonathan – It’s difficult to understand what you mean, but I think I may have figured it out by experimenting with note entry. You are wishing that Backspace would delete the currently selected (just entered) note, instead of the previous chord (which is not selected). Right? Unfortunately I feel this doesn’t make sense as a function of Backspace.

A couple of suggestions:

  • (Forward) Delete – deletes the current selection, wherever it is
  • ⌘Z – undoes the last entry you made (also multiple Undo)

This is perhaps the one significant annoyance I’m having with Dorico: when you’re in chord input mode and entering notes from the computer keyboard there doesn’t seem to be much you can do to correct an error other than cmd-z to undo the last action, (shift) opt-↑↓ to move the selected note, or →⌫ to delete the whole chord. It’d be nice to have a quick way to delete notes from the chord without having to leave input mode.


That is precisely what I mean! Sorry for my explanation.

I feel it natural, the same way as entering notes in normal mode, pressing backspace deletes the note I just entered.

In chord mode, it does not remove the note I just entered but the last chord I entered, which feels strange to me. Anyway, maybe it is just a matter of training muscle memory here.