Delete or hide a staff and measure

Hello everyone,

How do you delete a staff in a score, so as to leave a space in which to insert text?
Instead, in the case I wanted to delete only some measurements? How is it done?

I have attached some examples (written with the finale software) referring to what I said.

Example 2 - Score.pdf (56,7 KB)
Thank you
Example - Score.pdf (54,9 KB)

The best way to handle this kind of layout at the moment is using multiple flows and multiple music frames. Worksheets are covered in detail in this video:

You might also be interested in this (very old!) thread about John Cage’s Number Pieces:

Thanks for the reply.

Not knowing English well (in fact I write on this forum by translating with Google Translate), it is difficult for me to follow carefully and understand the video you posted well. So could you kindly write to me and summarize the steps in a few steps to obtain the example sheets I posted?

Thanks in advance for your patience :pray:t3::blush:

Sorry, no, I don’t have time to do that myself. But perhaps somebody else here will be able to spare the time to do that.

ok! Thanks anyway :blush: