Delete slash region?

How can return a region to a regular staff? I see how to cut a slash region up, but not how to return the staff to normal notation.

Thanks ahead of time.

Click the slash region and press delete.

humbling, indeed. I swear that didn’t work before! lol


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I tried that too, but it collapses the line, and everything looks totally weird. I’m just trying to turn two slash measures into rests so I can input notes. Thanks!

By this, do you mean the bars all shrink in size horizontally and appear blank?

If so, you can show rests again by selecting the notes or rests immediately to the right/left of deleted rests, then deactivating the corresponding Starts voice or Ends voice properties in the Notes and Rests group of the Properties panel.

If not, can you post a picture (or even better, a short project) that demonstrates your issue.

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Yes indeed, Daniel—that’s what I see. I’ll try your suggestion and see what happens. Thank you very much for your time and insight!
