Deleting unwanted things when Importing XML

Hi Everyone! I’m importing multiple XML documents for a book into Dorico, and on the imported doc, it says “piano” on each system between the staves: how can i get rid of that? I’ve circled it on my screenshot. Also, I’ve noticed that I have to type in the title of the piece on each page (also in the screen shot) I recall Finale doing this automatically after typing it in just once; does Dorico have this feature, too? Thank you!

You can remove piano (staff labels) from Library->Layout Options->Staves and Systems
The title is added under File->Project info.

Since you already did it manually you have to go to Engrave mode and in the right panel. Remove page overrides. (if there are red triangles)


Thank you so much, Jesele

De nada.


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Like Finale’s text fields, Dorico will take the text that appears in the header from the Project Info fields. (Under the File menu.)
You can define which fields are used one every page by editing the Page Template. Dorico has loads of ‘tokens’ for all kinds of text. Right clicking in a text frame will give you a menu of them.


Thank you, benwiggly