Hi! I need to write different Playing techniques over the Guitar TAB and Musical Notations. Please, can anyone help me with that? I won’t let me write over the TAB.
If you edit the playing technique itself (using Library > Playing Techniques) you can control whether or not it will appear on a tablature staff:
It didn’t work. Appears different stuff for me. PLEASE I NEED HELP. Otherwise I will have to ask my money back because the software doesn’t do what I need to
Are you trying to get something like this? A playing technique shown over both the notation staff and the tab staff?
If so, then @Richard_Lanyon 's suggestion is correct. Go to Library > Playing Techniques, locate the technique you’re looking for (it may help to change the category dropdown to “Guitar”), and then change the Tablature setting to “Always shown”. You’ll have to repeat this for each technique that you want to appear this way.
No, that’s not what I want. To repeat it Sibelius gave me that. I need the Picking over the TAB and the fingering over the musical notation> Please help me my friend, I’m getting kind of crazy. I am coming from Finale and besides the crap they did, the software allowed me to do whatever I want to
Can you post a screenshot of what you want, to make sure we’re understanding correctly?
I am trying but this chat doesn’t allow me. What format it accept?
And even doing what you told me to do, It doesn’t appear over the TAB. I don’t believe that it could be so difficult to do in 2025!! Unbelievable!
I don’t know if you can get playing techniques to display only on the tab staff. Maybe someone who knows more about guitar notation will have an answer.
Uau! I tried to get this information with a bunch of people, forums, YouTube, ChatGPT and nothing… I don’t know how to do because that’s the kind of work I do. OMG
Well, the steps I gave you produce the output I showed.
Yes, you are right! But that’s not what I need. Sibelius does that too. Both TAB and Notation with the same symbols… That’s kind of dumb
I need to Insert different Playing Techniques to my guitar TAB and Musical Notation on the same score. I don’t know what to do, I’ve tried every Tutorial, Youtube Video, Dorico Manual and couldn’t find a solution. If there’s no solution I need my money back and a suggestion for a Software that allows me to do that (Finale used to - Rest in Peace).
I’ve moved your new thread to this existing one, @FILIPE_PEREIRA_FARIA. I know you are frustrated, but please use the forum as it is intended for the benefit of everybody in the user community, and keep a single discussion focused in a single topic.
@YourMusic.Pro has already provided a recommendation for you, which is linked immediately above your most recent post in this thread.
You can create two guitar instruments in your project, and have one showing only notation and the other showing only tablature. You can write the music on either notation or tab, and then copy and paste it to the other instrument.
Here is a nonsensical example I have created to give you an idea of how to achieve it:
independent-guitars.dorico (571.1 KB)