Different Layers in Finale when importing XML into Dorico Pro

Brand new to Dorico. Just a couple of hours of exposure to this new world. I have a Finale file (drum chart) that utilizes different layers. Finale provides a way to have different notes, or groups of notes, put on a staff utilizing different layers (layers 1 - 4). I do this so that Layer 1 (kick drum) can have all stems down. Layer 2 (hi hat) can have all stems up.
Anyway, when I imported the XML file into Dorico, not all layers are appearing. I think I’m only getting Layer 1.
Does anyone know how to successfully bring over a Finale XML file that has multiple layers, and have all those layers appear in Dorico?
Thanks for any kind help.
David M.

Because my earlier post in this thread is possibly a complex problem (different Finale layers not importing with XML), I will attach one of my Finale v.27 files. The drum chart attached has different layers used for different notes. Also, there are quarter note rests with “click track” markings (within the first 8 bars) that aren’t appearing with the XML Dorico import.
I have zipped (compressed) the original Finale v.27 file so that I can attach it to this post.
If anyone can help with how I can get all layers of this drum chart imported to Dorico via XML, and have all the layers appear — I will be your best friend forever!
David M.
Bizkit : Baba - Drums.zip (164.3 KB)

Many if not most of us will need the XML file to investigate - not the Finale file. And maybe a screenshot of how the original looked in Finale.

Thanks for the follow up and kind help. I have attached the XML file (as a zipped file) that was exported from Finale. I have also attached a PDF file of how the chart is supposed to look.
Thanks Daniel for your expertise and kind help.
David M.
Bizkit : Baba - Drums copy.pdf (2.7 MB)

Bizkit : Baba - Drums XML.musicxml.zip (21.3 KB)

The problem is with the figures in bars 92–94, which have some peculiar tuplets that are tripping Dorico up. I don’t have a huge amount of time right now, but I’ve cleared out those three bars and re-exported the MusicXML file. Hopefully you can recreate them in Dorico without too much bother.

Bizkit : Baba - Drums 2.mxl.zip (21.1 KB)

@xylodork I do a lot of MusXML importing into both Finale and Dorico and have found Daniel’s strategy to be very effective when there are areas that are just too complex or unusual for the software to deal with. And these areas are generally not common or extensive and easily restored.

… diplomatically avoiding the question of which software. :wink:

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