I use Garritan sounds and I am trying to do a marching band score. I am able to assign sounds to each of the brass and woodwinds, but when it comes to drumline I can only assign one percussion map. Each time I try to assign a different map to a different drum, they all change. Is there a way to set it so that snares have a snare map, tenors have a tenor map, etc.?
IIRC Expression Maps can be assigned on a track-by-track basis. If that is still the case, one should be able to put different drums on different MIDI channels/tracks and assign different Expression Maps to each.
Is there anything here that looks incorrect? Where it reads Perc. map I can change to whichever one I want, but all other drumline instruments then change to that one.
Is far as I know, it is not possible to have different maps for different instruments within a Pecussion Kit.
Any idea how to do a complete drumline then?
I’m not sure what you mean, sorry. Can you explain in a bit more detail what your issue is?
And welcome to the forum!
I don’t agree with what has been written. I have been working on a file with lots of percussion, and could perfectly use different libraries with different percussion maps on the same percussion kit (not drum kit).
The instruments would appear in play mode in their own line, giving me the ability to route them independently.
I am a high school band director and often need to write for a full American-style marching band. That includes a snareline, a tenorline, a bass drum line, and a cymbal line. As far as I can tell, each of these has their own percussion maps and associated sounds. I would like to hear each as their own sound.
Can you explain how you assign each drum to its own perc map?
You may be right.
I did post my point of view in another thread some time ago but no one corrected me!
I assign each of them their own channel, then try to assign each to their own maps.
I suppose it’s what you have been doing: select the line with tenor drum and in the left panel, change the percussion map.
You might need to add instances of your plug-in for this to work — I don’t know ARIA, while I knew Spitfire Percussion and Superior Drummer 3 Orchestra percussions since I created their percussion maps in Dorico…
When I do that, they all change to the latest one selected. Super fun!
Are they all connected to the same instance and midi channel/port ? If yes, you might want to add instruments/instances (again, I don’t have a clue about your vsti)
What is on channel 14? 15?
Can you click on the cog and show us a screen capture?
I have tenor drums on 14 and bass drums on 15. They are all on the same port. Should those be different?
No, the port is the same, the channel is different. When you change the percussion map of channel 16, it changes the percussion map of channel 13 too? It doesn’t make sense.
Could this be a limitation of ARIA player?
Can you post that cog screenshot?
What is cog?
I think the trick is that each Instrument you want with a different Percussion Map needs to have it’s own VST instance, rather than just a different channel?